Disarming Hate Workshop and Dialogue Series, Part 2: Prevention and Intervention

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Date(s) - 04/17/24
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

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Interfaith Center of New York, 1:00 p.m., register here.

The first session of ICNY’s series on disarming hate gave an insightful look at root causes of hatred and violence. A summary of the session is available on their website.

Join the next session (online) in April as ICNY aims to equip faith and civic leaders with the vocabulary, methods, and advocacy tools to address harm and violence in their communities.

Participants will receive a write-up of the event with suggested action and advocacy steps. They will form a tangible, shareable resource that can continually encourage new community members to connect with co-sponsors and incorporate public safety into their activism.

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